Benefits For Healthcare Professionals

All healthcare provision today has Quality high on the agenda so that patients receive the best possible care. When you test your patients’ capillary blood glucose level at the point of care, you are responsible for that result being correct. Subsequent management of the patient may depend upon it so it is essential to know that you are generating high quality results.

By taking part in the Qpoint EQA Scheme you can see just how well your glucose meter results for the EQA solution agree with other users of the same meter, hereby checking that your own glucose meter is working properly. This can give you added reassurance when carrying out blood glucose testing on patients and alert you to any problems with your meter, test strips or testing technique which may lead to inaccurate blood test results.

MHRA Guidelines1 recommend participation in an EQA Scheme when performing point of care testing and the Care Quality Commission will be looking for evidence of quality initiatives such as this.

At Qpoint we work closely with the manufacturers and distributors of blood glucose meters and report back to them if specific problems with any of their products are identified. This helps to raise the quality of capillary blood glucose testing for everyone.

1 MHRA Management and use of IVD Point of Care Test Devices v1.1 (2013)

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